50年前的4月23日, 1968年的今天,十大电竞游戏综合排名大学和哥伦比亚大学的学生开始非暴力占领哥伦比亚大学校园建筑,持续了近一周. 罗莎琳德罗森博格, 历史名誉教授, 反映了改变十大电竞游戏综合排名妇女生活的抗议活动, together with student protests around the world, changed the political and social landscape. The full version of this article, which includes recollections of many Barnard alumnae, appeared in the Spring 2018 issue of 十大电竞游戏综合排名的杂志 5月29日.

五十年前, in 1968, students around the world rose up: In France, 德国, 墨西哥, Japan; even in countries ruled by dictators, 他们聚集在, 被占领的, and performed political theater in the streets. It was a trend, a movement, an earthquake. It was, however it was termed, a phenomenon.

In Morningside Heights, tensions had been brewing for years. 在性革命中, 十大电竞游戏综合排名的学生们对那些限制他们可以和谁住在一起以及谁可以去宿舍看望他们的规定感到沮丧. 非裔美国学生和他们的盟友越来越不满意大学的政策,他们认为这是种族主义. 美国越来越多地卷入越南战争和哥伦比亚参与军事项目,导致了越来越多的反对, led by groups 包括 学生 for a Democratic Society (SDS).


十大电竞游戏综合排名的学生对学院对他们个人生活的控制程度感到沮丧. Living off-campus with a boyfriend was strictly forbidden. 但对于那些愿意在住房申请表上撒谎的学生来说,这是一个漏洞:他们可以说自己有住家保姆的工作, 这是十大电竞游戏综合排名接受的一种校外住宿形式,适用于离家太远而无法通勤的学生. 为了和男友住在一起,至少有一名学生,70岁的琳达·勒克莱尔(Linda LeClair)就是这么做的.

同时, 非裔美国学生对美国社会普遍存在的种族主义越来越不满,尤其是在晨边高地. Prior to the civil rights movement, 他们的人数很少, not more than five per Barnard class. 现在, 1968年春天,十大电竞游戏综合排名积极招生,大约有50名黑人学生. 增加, 在哥伦比亚大学并行, 使非裔美国人第一次形成了自己的校园社交生活, 包括, in 1965, organizing the 学生’ Afro-American Society (SAS).

Like earlier black students at Barnard and Columbia, members of SAS were active in the community—organizing rent strikes, 谴责警察暴行, and joining civil rights demonstrations. In 1968, they turned their attention to Columbia, 与哈莱姆区的邻居们站在一起,反对哥伦比亚大学在哈莱姆区的晨边公园(Morningside Park)建私人健身房的决定, 教职员工和哥伦比亚大学的学生可以从前门进入,附近的居民可以从后门进入.

Members of SDS cared about the gym, too. 但是从1965年开始, 哥伦比亚分会, along with its national organization, had focused on Vietnam and resistance to the draft, which stopped exempting male graduate students in 1968. 三年了, SDS and others at Columbia had mounted teach-ins about the war, 组织了一车又一车的学生去参加反战游行, protested ROTC drills on South Field, 违反学校规定,阻止军方和中情局招募人员进入哥伦比亚大学大楼, 并谴责该大学与国防分析研究所的关系, which conducted classified research for the Pentagon. Columbia officials responded not by opening dialogue, 正如抗议者所希望的那样, but by placing them on disciplinary probation.

1月30日至4月4日期间,一系列世界十大电子游戏平台引发了学生起义. 所谓的“春节攻势”使美国领导人有关美国在越南的军事行动的说法成为谎言.S. 在越南取得了胜利. 马克陆克文, 哥伦比亚大学大三学生, 被选为哥伦比亚SDS分会主席的纲领是, 《如何让SDS重新行动起来,一举毁掉整个大学.——马丁·路德·金.他被暗杀了. 和一个 关于同居的文章 《纽约时报》 included an account of an unnamed Barnard student who, unbeknownst to College officials, was living off-campus with her boyfriend. Barnard’s dean of studies quickly identified the student as LeClair. 院长向十大电竞游戏综合排名司法委员会指控她在住房申请表上撒谎. Obliged to enforce College rules but clearly on LeClair’s side, 委员会——包括十大电竞游戏综合排名英语教师和先锋女权主义者凯特·米莱特——下令剥夺勒克莱尔在小吃店的特权,并敦促修改学院的政策.


到4月23日, 1968, SDS和SAS的领导人, along with a number of supporters, determined they needed to take action. Two Barnard students standing on a bench shouted, “The gym!说到这里, 抗议者前往晨兴公园,拆除了封锁建筑工地的围栏,并为哈莱姆区收回了土地. When the police arrived and started to make arrests, leaders diverted the remaining protesters to Hamilton Hall, 他们占据了那里.

The demonstrators’ goals began to diverge. SAS wanted the University to stop the gym’s construction; SDS wanted to stay in the building until Columbia severed its connection with the CIA and defense research. At around midnight, SAS requested that SDS leave. Some fifty white protesters headed to Low 图书馆, where they took over President Grayson Kirk’s suite. 在接下来的四天里, 其他抗议者占领了艾弗里。, Fayerweather, and Mathematics Halls before settling in for a siege. Judging from later arrest records, about a third of the protesters were women, roughly half of them from Barnard.

大多数女性被安排从事传统的性别角色:厨师和办公室助理. Cathy Tashiro ’68 organized all the cooking in Mathematics Hall. Women did the same in the other buildings, but they harbored doubts. 1969年的南希·比伯曼(Nancy Biberman)后来在法耶威瑟看到了一块牌子,上面写着:“致所有女性:你们身处解放区. You are urged to reject the traditional role of housekeeper unless, 当然, you feel this is the role that allows for creative expression. 说出来. 动动脑筋.”


4月29日,柯克总统要求纽约市战术警察部队清场. 警察涌入校园中心下方的隧道,挤满了大学步行街. 他们切断了电话和电线,并切断了建筑物的供水. 4月30日凌晨,他们接到了入住的命令.

在汉密尔顿大厅, 第一个被清除的, the arrests proceeded peacefully, 这在一定程度上要归功于非裔美国政治官员,他们帮助打开了学生和警察局长之间的沟通渠道. 71岁的卡拉·斯普尔洛克·埃文斯后来回忆说:“我看到的警察都是黑人…….在那个时候,纽约市黑人警察并不占多数. 所以我认为他们是被选中来接收这群黑人学生的.”

In other buildings, the story was different. 一支全是白人的警察队伍破门而入,穿过家具设置的路障. 然后,令所有人震惊的是,警察把枪口对准了观众. Some in the crowd were supporters; others hoped to prevent violence against the occupiers; many had come out of simple curiosity about what had been advertised across campus as a peace demonstration. 警察袭击了他们所有人.

警察“暴动”,如 华盛顿邮报 called the attack, had a dramatic effect. 一开始只吸引了大学社区的一小部分人的抗议活动,现在赢得了数千名学生和教师的支持,他们谴责大学过度使用武力,没有倾听学生的不满. The Grateful Dead gave an impromptu concert in support. 学生 threw up picket lines around classroom buildings. 一些教授把课搬到公寓里,或者在大楼外的草坪上上课. It was, as Elizabeth Langer ’68 observed, a “transformative moment.”

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